Providing opportunities through empowerment and education…
Giving individuals support as they reintegrate into society
Persons that have been incarcerated often feel depressed and overwhelmed when they reenter society. They are limited by lack of job opportunities, access to healthcare, and affordable housing.
This greatly increases recidivism, which robs these individuals of a real chance at starting a new life. We seek to provide meaningful assistance to stop this cycle and help these individuals regain their place in society.
In addition, we seek at out at risk youth to give them alternative opportunities for personal growth, emotional balance, and learning job skills.
Community involvement
Become apart of the community by volunteering, sharing information, and educating others on the challenges of reintegrating into society…
Promoting a healthy mind and body
In order to be the best versions of ourselves, we must take time for self-care and be patient with the journey ahead. Yoga, nutrition, and journaling are some ways we promote a healthy life.
Setting up for success
We believe in being proactive when seeking employment. We help individuals create resumes, prepare for interviews, and provide clothing/hair maintenance, so they can increase the likelihood of securing a job .
“People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.”
— Audrey Hepburn

Feel free to contact us with any questions.
(678) 748-1300